Bridge Integrated Primary School

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70 Ballygown Road, Banbridge, County Down BT32 3EL

02840 662055

Bridge Integrated Primary School

Educating resilient, reflective, resourceful, respectful learners

Outdoor Learning Day 2018


Thursday 17th May was Outdoor Learning day and Mrs Davis organised some fun lessons for all classes to go outside and enjoy learning outdoors. What a beautiful sunny day it was to go outside and enjoy nature. 


P.1 loved getting outside to collect leaves and flowers.  They brought them back into the classroom and created some beautiful pictures.


We enjoyed exploring the outsides and matching living and non- living things to our colour chart. Our new topic is Journeys and we had a wonderful   journey exploring the outsides with our colour chart. We learnt the names of some trees and plants.

By Nora  and Meghan  P.2R 


We enjoyed going outside looking for different shapes all around us.  We had fun creating shapes with our bodies.


P.6 enjoyed going outdoors to identify some animal sounds in nature.  We noticed there were a lot of environmental sounds so we moved around a bit to try to find a very quiet spot to  listen to and repeat sounds like birds tweeting, bees buzzing ...


The children in P2W went outside with a colour sheet and walked around finding plants and flowers which matched the colour chart They had great fun and explored the environment around their school.



enjoyed exploring Aboriginal art and created their own using some things they found in nature around the school grounds.