Bridge Integrated Primary School

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70 Ballygown Road, Banbridge, County Down BT32 3EL

02840 662055

Bridge Integrated Primary School

Educating resilient, reflective, resourceful, respectful learners

The Big Pedal


Well done to everyone who participated in our three week Sustrans Big Pedal event.

We have noticed a tremendous change due to our active travel. The school environment has improved and there is a happy, healthy glow on the faces of all who pedalled.

A big thank you to parents and pupils for all your efforts. We know a venture like this requires a lot of extra effort, organisation and time in the mornings and we fully appreciate that not all journeys lend themselves to taking part.

It has also been observed that there are many more walkers on the way to school recently and teachers have been keeping a note of those children.

It would be great to continue on our active travel journeys now that the Big Pedal is over. Hopefully weather conditions will be kind to us until the end of the year.

Congratulations to those children who had their bikes and scooters tagged by Dave, our Sustrans adviser.


Some Advice from Travelwise

Read  information leaflets below from Travelwise to see some of the benfits of travelling to school by cycling or walking.

Some of the benefits of walking
Some of the benefits of walking
Some health benefits of cycling
Some health benefits of cycling
Some Key Stage Two pupils
Some Key Stage Two pupils
Prize winners who received a special tag from Dave.
Prize winners who received a special tag from Dave.


Certificate Winners


Below are photos of children who won certificates for the efforts they made to travel actively to school during the three weeks of the competition.  

P.1/2 prize winners
P.1/2 prize winners
P.3 and P.7 prize winners
P.3 and P.7 prize winners
P.4 prize winners
P.4 prize winners
Some P.5 prize winners
Some P.5 prize winners
P.6 prize winners
P.6 prize winners
A graph created by P6T to look at who had travelled by bike or scooter the most often in P.6T
A graph created by P6T to look at who had travelled by bike or scooter the most often in P.6T